World Lovers

Network for those who love each other and the whole world

Due to Indian Radha Soami, and Mormon missionaries, I was able to go to New York and to start the mission there in 2006 by doing street-work among the homeless and also talking to anyone on streets and in public places. As I went year by year for a few weeks to New York, it came out that Union Square was like the heart of New York, and Bryant Park like its brain, and I had so many contacts, and some people who started talking to me about their ideas or problems also took me home.

So after having lived with my Indian friends in Queens, I stayed then in Brooklyn with engaged Pakistanis whom I met at the Ex-World Trade Center, and later in Brooklyn-Flatbush with artists. Even those people who took me to their houses had also to face quite a bit of difficulties in their lives, and I tried to give them impulses for new ways.

This year I was very happy to be able to invite sweet Masha who had given me room and allowed me to use her computer several times, and who helped me also, together with Stef, to produce publications for the New York mission, so I invited her to come to Europe and meet different artist communities and see art exhibitions. We were in Cologne, Paris and Brussel (Masha will not say Brussels any more, she said, because the "s" in the end is useless).

She made of course different contacts, and some of her work stayed in Europe, while she took some to America. Furthermore she was invited to participate in exhibitions.

We all know that art does rarely feed someone. Artists are young beings, as they are very creative, like children are very creative. We need to support them, because they create the future world with their ideas. They make people feel good, they enhance love and fantasy, they act against boredom, they feed the senses. They may even enhance communication, relationships and fertility. While themselves often cannot afford to have children!

Masha left on this 6th October 2010 (the date on which started in 1984 my enlightenment with visions about the abuse in this world, and my crying during a whole night because I wanted to change this suffering), and she will face again her hard work in New York, where she needs to do different jobs to survive and to finance her tiny art studio. Besides, she is a motherly person who helps others, and who shared her apartment with people who often did not pay her the rent they had promised. My contribution to her visit would also deserve some support.

So please think of us and help that this beginning of an exchange and an improvement can continue!

And of course, I need to go again to New York where people wait a whole year that I come back and take care of them! For example Dolores, an educated woman who became homeless after her parents died, and whom I found in the subway with a disease that needed medical care, so that I took her to a hospital, talked to the doctors and went to visit her repeatedly. She was still at hospital when I left, and I wonder what she became, as she did not answer my letter that I sent to a church organization whose address she gave me, because she had no own address.

Would I find her again in the subway?

And as one man had spoken to me last summer, rushing towards me and saying: "I saw you last year! I have to talk to you!" and I spent a long day with the reestablishment of his spiritual health, which we finally succeeded, there was last year then another man who talked to me the last day before I left: "You came here last year, and the year before, but you never looked after me!" I said: "Why didn't you tell me? Now I will leave tomorrow, but I promise that next year, I will take time for you." He will still be sitting homeless and hopeless on a bench at Union Square, and I did not yet come this year, because I had responsibility for children in Germany.

But I need to keep my promise and to go there! I usually finance my mission travels with money that I collect in little coins on the street. Maybe you can make it a bit faster- Thank you!

For a direct contact, just write a message to me. If you do not want to donate by paypal, we may find other ways.

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Tags: New, York, mission


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