World Lovers

Network for those who love each other and the whole world

Marianne Kieffer's Friends

  • mundia
  • Pawan Bansal
  • masha
  • Marcus
  • Parag
  • saphryn
  • Farida Magdalena Gillot
  • Toni
  • Bengü
  • Mike Ludens
  • Hartmut
  • persch, elke
  • damir
  • dr lalit mohan singh

Marianne Kieffer's Discussions

Wünsch dir was! Es hilft! Have a wish! It helps!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Marianne Kieffer Feb 26, 2012. 5 Replies

Die Idee kam mir wegen des Taizé-Gebets in St.Maria im Kapitol in Köln. Wir waren und sind dort immer ein kleiner Kreis, und so kommt jeder dran mit einem persönlichen Gebet, oder auch mehreren. Ein…Continue

Why did human beings start believing in Gods? Warum glauben Menschen an Götter?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Marianne Kieffer Sep 29, 2011. 4 Replies

Some see it a very material way: they think that aliens came to our little planet and made the rather primitive humans believe they were Gods.Some see it a philosophical way, searching for…Continue

Tags: Gott, master, ascended, heavenly, glauben


Hi, Hallo, Hola, Bonjour, ich bin's, I am Marianne, the founder of this network!

Marianne Kieffer's Photos

My Love Messages

Hi friends! Happy to meet you!

This is a website for sharing one's knowledge about good people and movements who contribute to the survival and life quality of all beings on this little planet, and have also a view on the higher.

Don't be afraid of the Gurus: Osho and Maharishi! They shaped a part of actual world history. They are harmless. (We are going to find worse ones...!) (P.S. Nobody added a worse one)

Please add your gurus, your Saints, those who are an example for you!

I added photos of Paramhansa Yogananda and Sri Ramana Maharshi - delightful messengers of the divine.

And Jesus coming out of the Bible. We cannot do without him, of course! I like to go to Taizé prayers, especially the mystical one of St. Maria im Kapitol, Cologne, Germany, I added photos.

I like the Krishna temples and you will also find photos.

I added a blog about my experience with Khalil Gibran.

The first video I ever put on this site deserved this honor: Sufi songs on the Rainbow Spirit Festival organized each Pentecost by One Spirit. Allah is one of us, yeah! Great! Allah-u-akbar!

All beings in this world are part of our world, and we are going to get along with them. We just need to put them in the right place in our world vision!

I love you!

Marianne Kieffer's Blog

Was ist Wahrheit?

Posted on February 23, 2014 at 5:11pm 0 Comments

Visit of Bengü in Turkey

Posted on February 23, 2014 at 11:04am 0 Comments

Mission impossible in Germany?

Posted on September 20, 2012 at 2:30am 0 Comments

Change the World, save Love!

Posted on October 8, 2011 at 4:01am 0 Comments

Kenya mission started

Posted on March 12, 2011 at 1:30am 0 Comments

Fruits of the New York mission

Posted on October 6, 2010 at 10:00pm 0 Comments

Latest Activity

Marianne Kieffer posted a photo

Santa Claus streetwork mission

Going out to meet the people, listen to their ideas or problems, giving advice, learning and acknowledging what is going on in the world, offering valuable food, fundraising in order to be able to help the poor.
Jan 20, 2019
Marianne Kieffer posted a status
"I love the people who share with others and respect those who do the necessary works, especially I love the farmers and want to help them."
Jan 20, 2019
Marianne Kieffer left a comment for ANNE MAUREEN
"Maureen, are you able to load up a photo on this page?"
Apr 28, 2017
Marianne Kieffer left a comment for mundia
"Are you able to put a photo on this site?"
Apr 28, 2017
Marianne Kieffer liked mundia's profile
Apr 28, 2017
Marianne Kieffer posted a video

Heilungsmantra * Möge Heilung * Friedensmantra * Healing Mantra of Peace* Friedenslied

Friedensmantra. Mitsingen o. summen und ein paar Mal hintereinander anhören- die positive Schwingung dieses Mantras begleitet Dich durch den Tag! Heilung und...
Mar 22, 2017
Marianne Kieffer posted videos
Mar 13, 2017
mundia left a comment for Marianne Kieffer
"we are have a duty driven by love to make the world and its people a haven of comfort and grace"
Mar 11, 2017
ANNE MAUREEN left a comment for Marianne Kieffer
"Thanks mum for introducing me to the site. Am ready to learn and contribute to a better tomorrow"
Mar 11, 2017
Marianne Kieffer posted a video

Yael Deckelbaum / Prayer of the Mothers - Official video

Now available on iTunes: Yael Deckelbaum feat. Lubna Salame, Daniel Rubin, Miriam Tukan, Rana choir, the Hebrews of Dimona and sing...
Mar 11, 2017
ANNE MAUREEN liked Marianne Kieffer's profile
Sep 24, 2016
mundia liked Marianne Kieffer's profile
Sep 23, 2016
mundia liked Marianne Kieffer's blog post Kenya mission started
Sep 23, 2016
Marianne Kieffer shared their blog post on Facebook
Sep 23, 2016
Marianne Kieffer shared their blog post on Facebook
Sep 23, 2016
Marianne Kieffer left a comment for mundia
"Be welcome, Mundia! So nice that you joined!"
Sep 23, 2016

Comment Wall (9 comments)

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Join World Lovers

At 9:22am on September 24, 2016, ANNE MAUREEN said…
Thanks mum for introducing me to the site. Am ready to learn and contribute to a better tomorrow
At 8:34am on September 23, 2016, mundia said…
we are have a duty driven by love to make the world and its people a haven of comfort and grace
At 8:48pm on September 26, 2010, Bengü said…
Marianne, You created sooo ligtfull site,.. 'Thank You' for your' Mission', also 'Thank You' for 'Your Being' and 'THANK YOU' Dear :)
I am soo Happy and Honoured by shearing this place,...
((Hug)) You With love and Light...
At 9:22am on October 2, 2009, daljit singh said…
hello Maranne.
i see urs all added too much.i feel u r so really true meditative lady as i search for sharing.we will learn too much from urs network
ok bye
At 8:34pm on September 12, 2009, Parag said…
Hare Krishna, wow nice to see that pic, Jharikhand forest in India...hmm...
what is the most adventurous thing you have ever experienced in krishna consciousness till now that keeps your enthu going on and on and on? yatras, sunday feast, kirtan, prasadam, association, lectures, service, deity worship, preaching or anything else
At 10:45pm on September 10, 2009, saphryn said…
aww here i am in world of lovers ... a loving place it is ... good one marianne

i do look foward to travelling and bringing my sound to your land...
At 9:17am on August 14, 2009, meera said…
RELIGION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHURCHES AND TEMPLES AND RITUALS: religion is born only when somebody pulsates with love.

EACH INDIVIDUAL HAS TO GIVE BIRTH TO A RELIGION -- and unless you have given birth to a religion in you, you are not religious. You cannot join an organization and become religious, remember -- religion is not an organization to belong to. To be religious you have to give birth to religion in your innermost core, in your very core. When religion is born there, only then are you religious. Not by becoming a Christian but by becoming a Christ; not by becoming a Buddhist but by becoming a Buddha, religion is born.

WHEN YOU ARE BORN IN LOVE, RELIGION IS BORN IN YOU -- and then your whole life is a melody, a beautiful song. And then you will be surprised that nothing is wrong: all fits together. Right now, nothing fits together. Right now, you are a mess. Right now, you are an anarchy. Right now, you are just traffic noise -- rushing in all directions, falling apart, disintegrating. Right now, you are nothing but anguish, agony.

ONCE LOVE IS BORN, YOU HAVE A CENTER. Once love is born, you are centered -- AND EVERYTHING FALLS IN TUNE WITH THE CENTER. You become an orchestra, a beautiful harmony. It is hidden in you. You have brought it in the world, it is yet unmanifest.

Kabir says: Manifest it -- LET YOUR LOVE BE MANIFESTED. In that manifestation will be your prayer.

The Divine Melody
Ch #9: The pause between two notes
am in Buddha Hall

At 12:40pm on May 9, 2009, meera said…

MY REBEL, MY NEW MAN, IS ZORBA THE BUDDHA. Mankind has lived believing either in the reality of the soul and the illusoriness of matter, or in the reality of matter and the illusoriness of the soul.

YOU CAN DIVIDE THE HUMANITY OF THE PAST INTO THE SPIRITUALISTS AND THE MATERIALISTS. But nobody has bothered to look at the reality of man. HE IS BOTH TOGETHER. He is neither just a spirituality -- he is not just consciousness -- nor he is just matter. HE IS A TREMENDOUS HARMONY BETWEEN MATTER AND CONSCIOUSNESS.

Or perhaps MATTER AND CONSCIOUSNESS ARE NOT TWO THINGS, but only two aspects of one reality. Matter is the outside of consciousness, and consciousness is the interiority of matter. BUT THERE HAS NOT BEEN A SINGLE PHILOSOPHER, sage, or religious mystic in the past WHO HAS DECLARED THIS UNITY. They were all in favor of dividing man, calling one side real and the other side unreal. THIS HAS CREATED an atmosphere of SCHIZOPHRENIA all over the earth.

YOU CANNOT LIVE JUST AS A BODY. That's what Jesus means when he says, "Man cannot live by bread alone" -- but this is only half the truth. You cannot live just as consciousness alone, you cannot live without bread either. YOU HAVE TWO DIMENSIONS OF YOUR BEING, and both the dimensions have to be fulfilled, given equal opportunity for growth. But the past has been either in favor of one and against the other, or in favor of the other and against the first one.

BUT MAN AS A TOTALITY HAS NOT BEEN ACCEPTED. This has created misery, anguish, and a tremendous darkness -- a night that has lasted for thousands of years, that seems to have no end. BECAUSE IF YOU LISTEN TO THE BODY, YOU CONDEMN YOURSELF; IF YOU DON'T LISTEN TO THE BODY, YOU SUFFER -- you are hungry, you are poor, you are thirsty. If you listen to consciousness only, your growth will be lopsided: your consciousness will grow but your body will shrink, and the balance will be lost. And in the balance is your health, in the balance is your wholeness, in the balance is your joy, is your song, is your dance.

THE WEST HAS CHOSEN TO LISTEN TO THE BODY, and has become completely DEAF AS FAR AS THE REALITY OF CONSCIOUSNESS IS CONCERNED. The ultimate result is great science, great technology, an affluent society, a richness of things mundane, worldly. And amidst all this abundance, A POOR MAN WITHOUT A SOUL, COMPLETELY LOST -- not knowing who he is, not knowing why he is, feeling almost an accident or a freak of nature.

AND UNLESS CONSCIOUSNESS GROWS WITH THE RICHNESS OF THE MATERIAL WORLD and the body -- matter becomes too heavy and the soul becomes too weak. You become too much burdened by your own inventions, your own discoveries. Rather than creating a beautiful life for you, THEY CREATE A LIFE WHICH IS FELT by all the intelligentsia of the West AS NOT WORTH LIVING.

THE EAST HAS CHOSEN CONSCIOUSNESS AND HAS CONDEMNED MATTER AND EVERYTHING MATERIAL, the body included, as maya, as illusory, as a mirage in a desert which only appears but has no reality in itself. The East has created a Gautam Buddha, a Mahavira, a Patanjali, a Kabir, a Farid, a Raidas -- a long line of people with great consciousness, with great awareness. BUT IT HAS ALSO CREATED MILLIONS OF POOR PEOPLE, hungry, starving, dying like dogs -- with not enough food, no pure water to drink, not enough clothes, not enough shelters.

The Rebel
Ch #8: Zorba the Buddha -- man of the future
pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
[part 1 of 3]


At 7:27pm on May 7, 2009, meera said…
hi marianne

there is a famous saying of Osho...

´friends come and go enemies accumulate´

couldn´t conceive of anybody joining me here...

you know me ....I´m an unconfortable spirit...LOL

Be aware of your breath while you fall asleep. The movement of your belly, the touch of the air in your nose, or the flow of air in your body.
If you meditate and fall into sleep, you will wake up meditating. That means in a subtle way, in your deep unconscious, the method continued. Your whole night became a meditation. Your sleep will be of a different quality - more silent, more relaxed, more rejuvenating.

And for six or eight hours, subliminally the witnessing continues.In the morning when you become aware that you are awake, you will be surprised! You are witnessing your breath.


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