World Lovers

Network for those who love each other and the whole world

Wünsch dir was! Es hilft! Have a wish! It helps!

Die Idee kam mir wegen des Taizé-Gebets in St.Maria im Kapitol in Köln. Wir waren und sind dort immer ein kleiner Kreis, und so kommt jeder dran mit einem persönlichen Gebet, oder auch mehreren. Ein Gebet aussprechen ist doch auch wie einen Wunsch äußern. Und Wünschen hilft, besonders bei den World Lovers! Ich verspreche es!


I had the idea because of the Taizé prayer in St.Maria im Kapitol in Cologne/Germany. We were and are always a small circle of people there, so that everybody has enough time to say a personal prayer, or even several prayers. To say a prayer is in fact like pronouncing a wish. And wishing helps, especially at the World Lovers! I promise!


Schreibe hier deine Wünsche, und teile bitte auch mit, ob ein Wunsch sich erfüllt hat, auch wenn es nur zum Teil ist.


Write here your wishes, and tell us please when a wish got fulfilled, even if it was just partly.


Lass dich nicht stören durch die Bezeichnungen "Discusssion" und "Reply", sie waren vorgefertigt für diese Seiten, vielleicht ändere ich das mal


Don't feel disturbed by the terms "Discussion" and "Reply", they were ready-made for these pages, maybe I will change that some time



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I wish that people feel called to use this possibility to pronounce their wishes, and that our guardian angels and the good spirits and good friends on earth give attention to the wishes pronounced and help to make them real, or if it is wiser not to make them real, to show other ways and solutions which are better for all.
''This is a Great idea!!! ''' Congurats... My first wish is to thank to angels for their being. They are with us and I am so greatefull to them and their existance.. Love and Huggings XXX

Bengü said:
''This is a Great idea!!! ''' Congurats... My first wish is to thank to angels for their being. They are with us and I am so greatefull to them and their existance.. Love and Huggings XXX
Marianne replies:
Yes, I often wonder how things get arranged in my life, and do not yet really know how it works and who is doing what which way, but after I asked this question in June, having a rest in the afternoon while the children that I cared for where sleeping, I was told that I would get some more knowledge in 2012, that I would meet someone - and that this message was passed over by beings of the kind of one of the little boys, Dariush. He is a fine, somewhat female boy as compared to his twin brother, may be a bit selfish and takes all the food for himself and stores it, but also gives it again when asked (the female egg also stores much material, while the male sperm moves with little freight), and he picks flowers and keeps them a long time in his hand and carries them home. So I wait what will come up in 2012. Although I am not of those who believe it will be the end of the world in 2012. But it may be a little new beginning.
Thanks are fine and an important part of prayers. But wishes are another important part! We are also allowed to wish something, and to shape the world a little bit with our wishes!

I wish that my 60th birthday should be celebrated as a carnival party and all people should wear funny fancy nice clothes, to remember that this life we are having is like a carnival, and that this body we carry and that carries us, is like clothes that we wear, or like a car that we drive for some time, and when this body will not do any more, we will leave it and get a new one! Amen!


I wish that the peaceful ones should be protected from violence!

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