World Lovers

Network for those who love each other and the whole world

All Blog Posts (18)

Was ist Wahrheit?

Bei Wikipedia findet man folgende Informationen zum Sufismus:

"Zur damaligen Zeit betrachtete die islamische Orthodoxie bereits die Aktivitäten der Sufis mit wachsendem Misstrauen, aus diesem Grund lehnte Dschunaid seinen Schüler Mansur al-Halladsch (858–922), ebenfalls ein Perser, ab, der die…


Added by Marianne Kieffer on February 23, 2014 at 5:11pm — No Comments

Visit of Bengü in Turkey

When it became obvious that the ning sites were in decline and the "paradise" of being able to meet lots of people here was closed and most people gave up their sites, I saw that I had not used the time to make a lot of friends, but there were just very few.

No matter how few, I considered this as a result and decided to visit those three who had got somewhat involved, Bengü, Toni and Farida. So I asked Bengü whether I could visit her, and she agreed. By chance, a friend of her…


Added by Marianne Kieffer on February 23, 2014 at 11:04am — No Comments

Mission impossible in Germany?

Dear friends from all over the world!

Please know that I live in a country in which the word "mission" is a reason for great mistrust. Because the Germans abused religion in such a way to control and suppress even children, that most Germans had a bad experience with religion. And they think you want to brainwash them and force them to believe something that will guide them to dependence and misery.

Also, they mistrust you when you use the term "spiritual". They do not even…


Added by Marianne Kieffer on September 20, 2012 at 2:30am — No Comments

Change the World, save Love!

There is a call for revolution in the world, and one side a wish for a peaceful change, but another side, violence. Let's avoid violence! It means also, avoid provocation. Everybody is a human being who tries to do his best according to his beliefs and knowledge.


But certainly, the world is reaching a limit, and the time for a change is coming. The change can be different for every person. Some think they need violence, and some decide not to experience…


Added by Marianne Kieffer on October 8, 2011 at 4:01am — No Comments

Sozialer Marathon und Gunnar im Mai 2010

Der Freitag abend dauert normalerweise bis in den Samstag morgen hinein. So war es an einem Wochende im Mai zwei Uhr, als ich wirklich keine Kraft mehr hatte, noch irgend  jemanden anzusprechen und Zeitungen gegen Spende für die sozialen Projekte anzubieten. Also ab zur U-Bahn, und wo gab es um die Zeit noch etwas zu essen?

Ein stark betrunkener junger Mann fragte mich nach der „Wohngemeinschaft“, sein Freund war weniger betrunken. Ja, gleich hier vorne – ich ging mit ihnen, las ihnen…


Added by Marianne Kieffer on August 31, 2011 at 5:50pm — No Comments

Why I started calling myself "Fürstin" in 2010


I read or heard that a "Fürst" was in old times someone who went first, especially when riding towards a battle. Well, those days passed, and then a Fürst was someone who inherited the riches, the lands, the people living on those lands and paying taxes, from his family.


Now I mean "Fürstin" in the original way it was meant: I am someone who goes first - into battles or into experiments with new ways of life, into new world visions, new explanations, new ways of…


Added by Marianne Kieffer on June 11, 2011 at 4:14am — No Comments

100 Jahre gesund leben - aber nur mit Milbenkontrolle

Mäusemilben in der Umwelt, auf Gemüse usw. und deren Zusammenhang mit der Rückenschmerz-Epidemie, Gelenkproblemen, Morbus Bechterev

Milben übertragen höchst wahrscheinlich die Rheuma-Erreger, Yersinien, welche die Gelenke schädigen, Hüftgelenke, Wirbelsäule, Schultergelenke, so dass tatsächlich auch die Kühe auf der Weide Rheuma bekommen, wenn dort Grasmilben sind, und die Mäuse nicht mehr richtig klettern können und elend dahinsiechen, wenn sie ihre…


Added by Marianne Kieffer on June 7, 2011 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Kenya mission started

This winter I was able to travel to the African continent for the first time of my life. It was an easy beginning: I could visit my former neighbour John and his family, and was being prepared by his sister Charity who still lives in Germany. Being there, I was managed by John's sister in law, Nancy, who is an engaged teacher and mother, still going to school herself also, and by Virginia, who helps grandma Florence as a house-girl, could not study because her parents could not pay for the…


Added by Marianne Kieffer on March 12, 2011 at 1:30am — No Comments

The life history of Paramhansa Yogananda

I discovered Paramhansa Yogananda when his photo on a book attracted my attention. He looked very beautiful! And he appeared somehow familiar to me, having a resemblance with my Pakistani friend Tanvir Khan, and with my mother's sister Delphine. Reading that book helped me in a crazy time, when I had the most difficult of all the community houses I ever organized, with people…

Added by Marianne Kieffer on March 11, 2011 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Fruits of the New York mission

Due to Indian Radha Soami, and Mormon missionaries, I was able to go to New York and to start the mission there in 2006 by doing street-work among the homeless and also talking to anyone on streets and in public places. As I went year by year for a few weeks to New York, it came out that Union Square was like the heart of New York, and Bryant Park like its brain, and I had so many contacts, and some people who started talking to me about their ideas or problems also took me… Continue

Added by Marianne Kieffer on October 6, 2010 at 10:00pm — No Comments

World Lovers Mission started symbolicallly

Good news! My best collaborator, Volker Humann, came yesterday with me to the Taizé prayer - he has been there just once last year - and afterwards he proposed himself that we should go a bit out with the newspapers, he would watch me how I do.

I met several people whom I knew and talked to them. Then we went to the Brüsseler Platz - a kind of paradise for young people hanging around there on evenings, and with this warm weather, there are many. A group of students started discussing… Continue

Added by Marianne Kieffer on July 13, 2010 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Become a World Lover! Go on mission!

Since 2001 I experienced missionary work for a better world and for helping the new world to get born, and I accumulated experiences and developped a system that can work in all parts of this little planet. Now I wish to give others the possibility to participate in this mission.…


Added by Marianne Kieffer on June 17, 2010 at 4:00pm — No Comments

My experience with Khalil Gibran

When I organized the house community "Arche Belair" in the city of Luxembourg, I had a Jewish girl living there who invited me on a Sunday to see a certain Joseph who was a kind of truth-teller. Another woman came at the same time with me, and he made us sit at a table opposite to each other. Then he asked us to write some words on a paper, anything that would come on our mind.

I simply wrote: Je suis Marianne Zamani…


Added by Marianne Kieffer on March 18, 2010 at 3:00pm — No Comments

even in hell we are going to have a good time

TRY TO LIVE HERE NOW, as totally as possible.

AND THE PARADISE IS NOW-HERE. If there is a paradise after death, certainly you will inherit it, because you will have already practiced for it.

AND DON'T BE WORRIED even if you are thrown into hell because you have been with me. I will be with you there, and we can create a great commune in hell!

AND IN HELL THERE ARE ALL THE COLORFUL PEOPLE. In heaven there are only… Continue

Added by meera on August 14, 2009 at 9:21am — 1 Comment

Some knowledge and thoughts about Jesus and others

See here on my page too, my contribution to a discussion on - (see that site for wonderful photos and botanical knowledge)

We know that Jesus referred to a "Father in Heaven" and called himself the son. He also said: who knows me, knows the father. In Revelations, we learn that we should not pray to the messenger who is sent, but to the father himself.

In any part of the world at any time have been messengers of the "Father", the highest God, who is… Continue

Added by Marianne Kieffer on August 12, 2009 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Law of Attraction Creations for Today :)

Hello my Incredible friends :)

I am so grateful to have you as my friends,

and readers of these messages.

Thank You so much for being you.

Here are your Law of Attraction Creations for today :)…

Added by Mike Ludens on July 15, 2009 at 3:42am — No Comments

Maharishi's simple words

“Do not fight the darkness, let the light in and the darkness will disappear.”
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Added by Marianne Kieffer on May 18, 2009 at 6:41am — No Comments

Awareness is my successor

I AM NOT GOING TO GIVE A SINGLE INSTRUCTION ABOUT ANYTHING. In fact there is no need. These people had to give instructions because THEY LEFT PEOPLE BLIND. They gave only BELIEFS to them; THEY NEVER GAVE THEM CONSCIOUSNESS, AWARENESS. They never gave them THE CAPACITY TO DECIDE ON THEIR OWN. They never made them RESPONSIBLE for their own life.

YES, THEY GAVE THEM A BLIND MAN'S STICK, AND DIRECTIONS on how to move so you can get… Continue

Added by meera on May 9, 2009 at 12:50pm — No Comments

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