World Lovers

Network for those who love each other and the whole world

Dear friends from all over the world!

Please know that I live in a country in which the word "mission" is a reason for great mistrust. Because the Germans abused religion in such a way to control and suppress even children, that most Germans had a bad experience with religion. And they think you want to brainwash them and force them to believe something that will guide them to dependence and misery.

Also, they mistrust you when you use the term "spiritual". They do not even know what it means. They imagine something like dangerous witchcraft or so.

Many people here are spiritually simply blind, as it is written in the Bible. They know nothing about higher existence and they feel lost and endangered. The world does not make sense for them, except that they try to get much money and to consume much.

Still I hope that many may be able to learn about the truth of life. In fact there are people who are quite o.k. For example those who come to the Rainbow Spirit Festival that was traditionally in Baden-Baden and has moved since 2 years to Munich. It takes place every year on Pentecost. There you meet people who are really spiritual and wonderful. And they are open for all religions of this world, ready to find in any of them what is good and precious.

Views: 48

Tags: mission, spiritual


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