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Some knowledge and thoughts about Jesus and others

See here on my page too, my contribution to a discussion on - (see that site for wonderful photos and botanical knowledge)

We know that Jesus referred to a "Father in Heaven" and called himself the son. He also said: who knows me, knows the father. In Revelations, we learn that we should not pray to the messenger who is sent, but to the father himself.

In any part of the world at any time have been messengers of the "Father", the highest God, who is also a "Mother", of course. The white dove that appeared above Jesus when he was being baptized by John was known at that time and long before as being the sign of the Holy Mother. So, it was the Mother saying: "This one is my beloved son, listen to him!" But the Jews were at that time not ready to give any value to a female being, not even to a goddess. So, they called the Mother a "holy ghost", and the system of the "Holy Family", Mother, Father and Child, became a system of Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

We all are sons and daughters of the highest parents, the creators of this world. But some took more responsibility and work for the salvation of their stupid little brothers and sisters.

Jesus is valid for the whole humanity because he marks a turning point on earth. That's why, although the Jewish scribes tried to make him disappear from history, he became the most famous messenger of God. He went through point zero, and we all are going to follow him through this point before we come to a higher level.

Jesus was a son - it means, someone like us. He was a Master in the way that he knew how to overcome our problems. I found that some very honorable Saints or Gurus or Masters or whatever you may call them, represent more the Father or the Mother, than Jesus did. They have more the character of a Father or Mother, I mean.

It is evident that Jesus learned from many spiritual movements of his time, he learned from his Mother Mary who was a very inspired woman, he learned from the Jewish theologists, but also from many others that were around that time, most probably also from Indians. The gospel of John starts with statements about the “word”. Probably this can only be understood when you know what is “nam”.

The dates of the Bible refer largely to the astrological beliefs of that time. Jesus chose twelve apostles, not only because there were twelve tribes of Israel, but 12 was since long a holy number in astrology, and there are twelve signs around the year. The date of Christmas, 25 December, is a date which was considered in astrology as the rebirthing date of the sun, because since the longest night on 21-22 December, the sun seems not to move, to be "dead", as it rises during three days every day at the same place - so that's why it was usual in old times that someone who claimed to be a messenger of the Sun God, supposed to be the highest God, needed to present a story of having been dead during three days - and there were numerous prophets in those times claiming this. Even, being born from a virgin, was a part of that astrological belief, as the sign of the Virgo appears at the winter solstice, as well as the three wise kings that come from the East are 3 stars appearing in the winter sky, coming from East.

It is known about Jesus, that he used to read the holy scriptures in synagogues, and that it happened always again that the scriptures that were on schedule that day confirmed exactly him. So if anyone had his heart open to the truth, he might know Jesus was the Messiah whom everybody was expecting in those days. And Jesus' life story did not only satisfy the expected signs of the Jews, but also, as shown above, the signs of astrologists and certainly other religions and beliefs.

The Essenes had even gone to the desert and prepared for the coming of the Messiah - and some of them may have become his followers, but many will have denied him.

Why? Because he did not look important enough. He was not rich and not powerful in the world. He was a simple, nice, loving man - speaking to women and to children, which made the patriarchal, dominant male Jews feel ashamed of him. He was going around like a beggar, a gipsy perhaps, they may have thought. So, we are all being tested concerning our heart and our ability to distinguish right from wrong. Certainly, most human beings do not pass the test today either.

They expected from Jesus he should raise an army against the Romans who used the Jews as slaves - any Roman citizen was for example allowed to load his burden on the back of any Jew passing by and to make him carry it during a certain time, fixed by the law. They did not believe in Jesus because he had no army - but his spiritual power defeated the Romans even after he was no more present.

Whether he really died and was raised by a miracle, or just seemed dead and recovered, whether he became a kind of extra-terrestrian (alien) made of another matter, what certain people believe, or whether he went as a human being to the Himalaya, to his spiritual Master, representing the Father in heaven, as others think, or whether he simply died, and his body was taken away by friends, and all the rest happened purely on spiritual level, we don't know anything for certain. But this knowledge is somewhere and it is going to come out some time, and there will be no doubt about it. We are being tested now. Search in your heart! Everyone for himself without making pressure upon others, please!!!

Such pressure does not come from a spirit of love, and it is not the will of Jesus or any other messenger of the Supreme.

Communicated with love from Marianne

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