Network for those who love each other and the whole world
Since 2001 I experienced missionary work for a better world and for helping the new world to get born, and I accumulated experiences and developped a system that can work in all parts of this little planet. Now I wish to give others the possibility to participate in this mission.
Dare to go out and to meet people, and you will see how happy it makes you and others! The World Lovers are meant to be a free movement not submitted to any worldly powers. Everyone can choose to become a World Lover, and help develop the possible activities furthermore.
World Lovers go on the streets, to public places, like parks, libraries, theatres and other public outdoor and indoor places, and also to visit private friends, engaged groups, humanitarian and political groups and organizations, working people and firms, educational and scientific research institutions, and religious or spiritual communities to listen to anyone and to learn from anyone, and to spread knowledge about the
others who live with us.
We human beings are afraid of what we do not know, and hate comes with lack of communication. If we are able to know each other and to communicate about how to share anything there is, and about how should our relationships and our life conditions be, we can avoid violence and suffering. What we learned ourselves,
we can help others to learn it.
The final goal is a world without wars, crime, detention, torture, awful diseases, drug addiction and other kinds of addiction causing misery, a world without neglected people like homeless and insane, without abuse in its different forms, like sexual abuse, economical abuse, psychological and spiritual abuse.
The World Lovers wish to give a new definition to what is our world. We are one big family of related beings, we wish to have a nice game together, to overcome the illusions that lead to intolerable pain.
There should be nothing in our world that destroys love, even suffering should be with love, so suffering needs to be limited and chosen as an act of love.
We do not want a boring world, it should be fascinating and attractive, and also give the necessary amount of freedom to everyone.
If you would like to live in such a world, support the World Lovers at least by a little donation, no matter how small! Just click on "donation", it's easy if you have already a paypal account, if not, it's easy also to make yourself one, and you will also be able to use it for other purposes. Indicate the amount you want to donate without the sign € or $.
If you want to do more, become an active World Lover yourself and go out to learn and to teach! You are free to have your own experiences or to ask me about mine which might give you advice. Whatever you decide to do in the name of the World Lovers, you will be guided by the good energies that are available in this time, the divine love that gives life to the new world!
© 2025 Created by Marianne Kieffer.
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Click on "join" and become a member of World Lovers! It is cost free! You will then be able to add comments, to write blogs, and to upload photos and videos, so that you can tell the web community what you find worth to be loved in this world, and what enhances your love for human beings and all beings in this world, and for the whole world.
You will be able to choose that a link is being sent to facebook or twitter, so that a greater circle of people is being informed. You can announce here the meetings of your engaged groups who do something for the world, no matter whether they are atheist or religious or spiritual. They should be of good will and improve life quality on our planet while not fotgetting that we are surrounded by a big space that we just start to discover, and that infinity of life may be a physical reality.
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