World Lovers

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World Lovers Mission started symbolicallly

Good news! My best collaborator, Volker Humann, came yesterday with me to the Taizé prayer - he has been there just once last year - and afterwards he proposed himself that we should go a bit out with the newspapers, he would watch me how I do.

I met several people whom I knew and talked to them. Then we went to the Brüsseler Platz - a kind of paradise for young people hanging around there on evenings, and with this warm weather, there are many. A group of students started discussing with us about God and religions and the Jews and so on. First they understood everything wrong and thought I wanted to promote some stupid religious teachings, and they even meant for a moment that I was against the Jews.

Then I saw a girl with them who looked beautiful and very Jewish, and I said, see her, she descends from Jews, they have good genetic qualities. They were surprised that I got it right and wondered how I could know, because she knows she is Jewish (in Germany very rare as compared to America). I simply saw it from her face. I spoke about the term "goyim" and she knew how to pronounce it the right way.

We discussed quite hard for more than half an hour, and many youngsters took part in the discussion. They are students of architecture. I like people who do something real. Their mind is mostly quite fit.

Volker has some spiritual knowledge from India, but also identifies himself as a Christian. He is not yet very clear about what he wants, and tends to think a bit schizophrenic. But I had many days of talking to him about these topics, so he became a bit firm. Finally he was also quite satisfied about the talks with the young people.

When they asked what religion I promoted and expected something stupid, and I said, the Lovers, they remained speechless for a moment. They couldn't deny it sounded good.

Well, the mission started spontaneously by itself on 12 July 2010. At least, symbolically. I hope it will continue.

Love from the Lovers!

Views: 32

Tags: Jews, Lovers, architect, mission, start, students


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